In The Picture — 31 January 2022

New Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning


New Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning


St Mary's University College New Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning
Seminar 3:
New Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning
Tuesday, 8 February 2022, 4:30pm


You can join the free online seminar by clicking on the LINK to register:
Seminar 3 New Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning


St Mary’s University College will host the third in a series of FREE ONLINE seminars as part of the recently launched Teaching Profession Project (TPP).

On Tuesday, 8 February at 4:30 pm, Mr John McCusker, Principal Inspector, Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI), will chair a discussion on 'New Approaches to Teacher Professional Learning'. Mr McCusker will be joined by: Ms Geri Cameron (Principal, Loughshore School Belfast); Mr Dominic Fryers (KS2 Teacher, St Joseph's Primary School Belfast); and Dr Martin Hagan (Head of Education, St Mary's University College Belfast).



Across Europe, there has been a commitment to improve career-long teacher professional learning along with a specific focus on improvement in the quality of leadership (European Union, 2007; 2008; 2009). In Northern Ireland, Learning Leaders: A Strategy for Teacher Professional Learning (DENI, 2016:14) sets out a vision for professional learning in which 'Leadership skills will form an integral part of all competence development from ITE and throughout a teacher's career'. To this end, 'The Learning Leadership Lens' was developed as a conceptual model aimed at developing systemic leadership for teachers at every stage of their career.

In this discussion, the participants will be asked to critique the 'Lens' and discuss the challenges and opportunities it presents in terms of affecting meaningful policy change intended to meet the professional needs of teachers.