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Irish News - Young News Readers Project
5 January
Irish News
Young News Readers Project
Stay at Home - Protect the Health Service
14 January
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Family waving through a window to someone inside
5 February
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Stay at Home
St Patrick's Day
17 March
St Patrick's Day
Holy Week
29 March
Holy Week
Easter Message
1 April
Easter Message
WBPB Virtual Easter School
6 April
WBPB Virtual Easter School
Coronavirus (COVID-19_ - Stay Local
12 April
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Stay Local
Coaching Partnership
4 May
Coaching Partnership
Lord of the Dance
24 May
Lord of the Dance
Chief 'Warrior'
1 June
Chief 'Warrior'
New Sportswear
16 June
New Sportswear
Irish-medium Celebration
24 June
Irish-medium Celebration
Graduation Pictures
5 July
Graduation Pictures
Giving Children Their Voice Through GAA
30 July
Giving Children Their
Voice Through GAA
Irish Language Strategy
5 August
Irish Language Strategy
Socially distanced audience and panel in attendance during the Féile discussion on Legacy
16 August
Féile Discussion on Legacy
Early Years Literacy Conference
25 August
Early Years Literacy
St Mary's graduates line out in final
8 September
St Mary's graduates
line out in final
Student Teachers for Irish-medium Education
13 September
Student Teachers for
Irish-medium Education
Maeve Kelly
23 September
Maeve Kelly
GAA/GPA Footballers of the Month
6 October
GAA/GPA Footballers of the Month
Students' Union Executive
15 October
Students' Union Executive
Liam Linden BA (Hons)
29 October
Liam Linden BA (Hons)
PHA  1 in 3
12 November
PHA - 1 in 3
Wear a face mask
19 November
Wear a face mask
29 November
14 December
Winter Graduation
21 December
Special Graduation Ceremony