In The Picture — 15 March 2022

Irish Language Strategy


Dr Gabrielle Nig Uidhir


Minister Deirdre Hargey, Department for Communities (DfC), announced recently that significant progress has been made on the Irish Language Strategy and on an Ulster-Scots Language, Heritage & Culture Strategy. This involved publication of recommendations made by Expert Advisory Panels. The Minister thanked the two panels for the time and effort given to the task and acknowledged the value of their work.

Dr Gabrielle Nig Uidhir, Senior tutor for Development at St Mary’s University College and a member of the Irish Language Expert Panel, commented on the publication as a positive step towards an Irish Language Strategy,

"Throughout the Autumn term, it was a pleasure to work on such a positive initiative as the draft framework for an Irish Language Strategy, led by the Department for Communities. The Panel of Experts, appointed to deliver recommendations, brought with them diverse experience from across a range of areas. What they all had in common was a record of expertise with regard to promoting the Irish language and a dedication to produce a framework that would enhance the lives of Irish speakers across all cultural areas and help to overcome barriers to a wider access to the language. Throughout the process, the panel was supported by the DfC Language Strategy Team.

Irish in the education system has touched the lives of each of the panelists and has become central to our professional lives. That relationship is now commonplace throughout the island. The Irish language is more than a legacy or part of a rich cultural heritage. It has travelled its own journey and has proven that it deserves to be protected by law and strategically promoted. The document, recently published for public consultation by DfC, presents a goal that 10% of schools will provide Irish-medium education by 2042. That would be a significant development. The decision to send a child to an Irish-medium school involves a degree of interest in the language by parents or carers, often involving some commitment as parents and other family members learn the language and keep apace of their children's linguistic and educational progress. So family connections with the language and its development at community level will continue to flourish as the numbers of pupils learning through Irish, as the target language, increases. Is that goal unrealistic? No, is the answer of the Panel of Experts. It is fully realizable if the Irish language is supported and resourced as specified in the rest of the document.

TThe position of modern languages generally in Northern Ireland schools is precarious and fragile. The document addresses the need to support the teaching of Irish in the English-medium sector and to open that door to the advantages that competence in Irish offers to young people. Of course, the argument could be extended to embrace the need to improve opportunities for primary and post primary pupils in NI schools to learn languages, other than English, as part of a drive towards a more inclusive and outward-looking society. That is a discussion point for another day.

With regard to Recommendations for an Irish Language Strategy, I hope that the call for views process will lead to an affirmation of recommendations that will be reviewed regularly and will help to protect and develop the Irish language for future generations."

The Expert Advisory Panel's report is available on the Department's website.


D'fhógair an tAire Pobal Deirdre Hargey go bhfuil dul chun cinn suntasach déanta i dtreo Straitéis na Gaeilge agus Straitéis Theanga, Oidhreacht agus Chultúr na hUltaise. Foilsíodh moltaí a rinne na Painéil Chomhairleacha Saineolaithe don dá straitéis agus rinneadh gairm ar thuairimí. Ghabh an tAire buíochas leis na painéil as an am a chaith siad ar an tasc agus as an dua a chur siad orthu leis.

Luaigh an Dr Gabrielle Nig Uidhir, Teagascóir Sinsearach i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire agus ball de Phainéal na Gaeilge, gur céim mhór chun tosaigh an foilseachán seo i dtreo Straitéis na Gaeilge,

"Le linn théarma an fhómhair, b'aoibhinn bheith ag obair ar thionscnamh chomh dearfach leis an dréachtchreatlach do Straitéis na Gaeilge, a raibh An Roinn Pobal i gceannas uirthi. Thug an Painéal Saineolaithe, a ceapadh le moltaí a chur ar fáil, taithí ilchineálach leo ó réimse achar. An méid a bhí i gceist acu uilig go raibh saineolas acu maidir le cur chun cinn na Gaeilge mar aon le dúthracht chun creatlach a chur le chéile a d'fheabhsódh saol Gaeilgeoirí sna hachair chultúrtha uilig agus a chuideodh leo constaicí ar rochtain níos forleithne ar an teanga a shárú. Le linn an phróisis seo, thacaigh Foireann na Straitéise Teanga sa Roinn Pobal leis an phainéal.

Chuaigh an Ghaeilge sa chóras oideachais i bhfeidhm ar gach duine sa phainéal agus tá sí lárnach inár saol proifisiúnta. Tá an nasc sin coitianta anois ar fud an oileáin. Is mó ná oidhreacht í an Ghaeilge ná cuid de dhúchas saibhir cultúrtha. Bhí a conair féin aici agus chruthaigh sí go dtuilleann sí cosaint sa dlí agus go gcuirfí chun cinn í go straitéiseach. Is é a mholann an cháipéis a scríobh an Painéal, mar sprioc, go gcuirfeadh 10% de na scoileanna Gaeloideachas ar fáil faoi 2042. Dul chun cinn suntasach a bheadh ann. Bíonn suim sa teanga á leiriú ag tuismitheoirí nó cúramóirí nuair a dhéanann siad cinneadh páiste a chur chuig Gaelscoil agus is minic a bhíonn tiomantas ann an teanga a fhoghlaim agus coinneáil suas le dul chun cinn teanga agus oideachais a bpáistí. Mar sin de, leanfar den bhorradh atá faoi na naisc teaghlaigh leis an teanga agus faoin bhorradh sa phobal de réir mar a théann an líon daltaí atá ag foghlaim trí Ghaeilge i méid. An bhfuil an sprioc sin míréadúil? Níl, sin freagra Phainéal na Saineolaithe. Tá sé go hiomlán indéanta má thugtar tacaíocht don Ghaeilge agus má mhaoinítear í de réir mar a shonraítear sa chuid eile den cháipéis.

Tá drochbhail ar staid na nuatheangacha go ginearálta i dTuaisceart éireann agus tá siad leochaileach. Tugann an cháipéis faoin ghá go dtacófar le teagasc na Gaeilge in earnáil an Bhéarla agus an gá go n-osclófar an doras do na buntáistí a ritheann le cumas sa Ghaeilge do dhaoine óga. Ar ndóigh, is féidir an argóint a leathnú amach lena chur san áireamh an gá go bhfeabhsófar deiseanna maidir le teangacha seachas Béarla do dhaltaí bunscoile agus iar-bhunscoile i scoileanna Thuaisceart éireann, mar chuid d'fheachtas i dtreo sochaí níos ionchuimsithí agus sásta amharc taobh amuigh di féin. Sin pointe plé do lá is faide anonn.

Maidir leis na Moltaí do Straitéis na Gaeilge agus an ghairm ar thuairimí, tá súil agam gurb é an toradh a bheidh ar phróiseas is ná go gcuideoidh sé le cosaint agus forbairt na Gaeilge do na glúnta amach romhainn."

Tá tuarascáil Phainéal Comhairleach Saineolaithe (na Gaeilge ) agus tuarascáil Phainéal Comhairleach Saineolaithe (Theanga, Oidhreacht agus Chultúr na hUltaise ) ar fáil ar shuíomh gréasáin na Roinne.