In The Picture — 21 October 2022

Visit of First Minister Designate


Pictured with Michelle O’Neill are Jervis McCall (Vice President of the Students’ Union) and Ellen Somerville (Community and Volunteering Officer, Students’ Union)


Pictured with Michelle O’Neill are Jervis McCall (Vice President of the Students’ Union)
and Ellen Somerville (Community and Volunteering Officer, Students’ Union)

St Mary’s University College was delighted to welcome Michelle O’Neill, First Minister Designate, to the Falls Road campus on World Teachers’ Day, 5 October 2022.

Michelle was accompanied by Paul Maskey MP, Caoimhe Archibald MLA and Pat Sheehan MLA. 

Discussions were held with the College Principal, Professor Peter Finn KSG, as well as members of the Board of Governors and staff of the College. The delegation undertook a walking tour of the campus during which they met informally with St Mary’s students, international students and members of both the academic and support staff.

Professor Finn said:

“I am delighted that Michelle O’Neill endorsed the importance of World Teachers’ Day and visited our campus where we have been educating teachers since 1900.”

The First Minister Designate supported a joint statement on World Teachers’ Day:

“I am pleased to support the objectives of UNESCO World Teachers’ Day which is co-convened in partnership with the International Labour Organization, UNICEF and Education International.

I endorse their joint statement that:

“Today, on World Teachers’ Day, we celebrate the critical role of teachers in transforming learners’ potential by ensuring they have the tools they need to take responsibility for themselves, for others and for the planet. We call on countries to ensure that teachers are trusted and recognised as knowledge producers, reflective practitioners, and policy partners.”


Michelle O'Neill meeting St Mary's College Students


Michelle O’Neill met with International and College students


Michelle O’Neill met with International and College students



Michelle O'Neill with Professor Peter Finn during classes in the college Michelle O'Neill and Professor Peter Finn in one of the classes during her visit.




Pictured in the Old Library at St Mary’s are Michelle O’Neill (Vice-President of Sinn Féin and
First Minister Designate) with Sinn Féin representatives, Paul Maskey MP, Caoimhe Archibald MLA
and Pat Sheehan MLA along with Peter Finn (College Principal)
and Deirdre Cree (Head of Student Guidance and Support Services at St Mary’s),
Angela Mervyn and James Uhomoibhi (Members of St Mary’s Board of Governors)