Easter Course in Gaoth Dobhair Gaeltacht

3 May 2007

A total of 25 students from first year BEd and BA, second year BA and final year BEd were in attendance at the course which was organised during fieldwork week, 16th to 20th April.

Teach Champbell (where Irish is the first language of the family) provided an excellent venue with all the necessary facilities, in that it was large enough to accommodate 25 students and 2 staff (Seán mac Labhraí and Mairéad Ní Fhathaigh) in one venue and also as it has a large room which served the purpose as a venue for classes.

Students in the studio

The students were guests of two live programmes on Raidió na Gaeltachta. On the 11.00 show Barrscéalta hosted by Aine Ní Chorráin, Valerie Ní Earcáin and Máire-Ann Ní Icí (4th year BEd and both natives of Donegal) were interviewed about their time at St Mary's and they are to be commended on how well they promoted the College and how effectively they executed the role of ambassadors for St Mary's. Two first year students from BA and BEd, Tomás O Néill and Tomás Mac Rodáin respectively, were the other interviewees on this programme and they likewise enhanced the reputation of the college on the airwaves.

So impressed were the Radio producers and presenters that they invited all 25 of the students into the studio for the hour long afternoon show hosted by Rónán Mac Aodha Bhuí. This was a more light-hearted style of chat show and again was extremely successful with the students providing opinions on a range of topical issues and also providing musical entertainment. It was an enlightening experience for the group and all speakers were presented with free sweatshirts for their efforts.

Students at Raidio na Gaeltachta

Other activities on the course included an audience with poet Cathal O Searcaigh in his own home along with a guided tour of his district which has provided the inspiration for much of his work and a sneak preview of his hitherto unpublished memoirs. There was also a visit to Pobalscoil Ghaoth dobhair where our students were paired with the Leaving Certificate Class for practice in oral examinations, and a visit to the home of local seanchaí John Ghráinne O Duibheannaigh, an 86 year old with the heart of a teenager!

All were agreed that this was a very worthwhile venture which may be repeated in the years ahead.

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