New Music from St Mary's

9 January 2008

New musical works composed by members of the Music Department received their first performances at the College's annual Carol Service on 17 December 2008.

The first piece, a new setting of the old German carol 'Quem pastores laudavere', was composed by Peter Downey, Head of Music, and the second, an original piece appropriately entitled 'Merry Christmas', was composed by Stuart Leathem, Lecturer in Music.

During the Christmas period there were radio performances of seasonal pieces by Peter Downey, including his setting of the Italian carol 'Tu scendi dale stelle' which was performed on BBC Radio Ulster on Christmas Eve and his collaboration with the Gabrieli Consort in a reconstruction of Praetorius' setting of 'In dulci jubilo' which was performed on BBC Radio 3 on Christmas Day.

An original electro-acoustic composition by Stuart Leathem will open the concert 'The Music of Queen Rocked Up & Classical' which will take place in the Odyssey Arena, Belfast, on 10 January 2009.

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