Canadian TV ‘link up’

22 November 2011

As part of the 'Let’s Talk' show, students of St Mary's University College participated in a live TV link up with their peers at the University of Windsor, Canada, on Tuesday 22nd November 2011.

The Let's Talk show was hosted by Casimir McGeown who is an alumnus of St Mary's and facilitated by Cogeco TV of Canada.

The TV shows were the first in what is hoped will be a series of partnership activities between St Mary's University College and the University of Windsor. It is also hoped that further innovative projects will be undertaken in partnership with Casimir McGeown and the Cogeco TV Company of Canada.

Two one-hour TV shows were recorded live, during which the following themes were discussed:

"The life of a university student"

Participating from St Mary’s were BEd students Gerard Fee and Kate Redmond and Liberal Arts students Susan Murphy and Ciara McShane.

"What makes for good teaching?"

BEd students Toni Jordan, Louise McLean, Christopher Brogan and Connor Devlin represented St Mary's.

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