Volunteer Reading Tutor Programme

16 January 2012

The Volunteer Reading Tutor Programme (VRTP) between St Mary’s and schools occurs annually in the first semester (October to December).

Just before Christmas last year, one hundred and fifty-nine students volunteered to work with low progress readers in fifty-seven schools across the Nursery, Primary, Post-primary, Special, Hospital School and Irish-Medium sectors. Students in BEd2, BEd3 and BEd4 freely gave up to two hours of their time per week for a maximum of nine weeks in order to assist those children and young adults who struggle with the demands of reading. Schools were very enthusiastic in requesting and hosting the students.

Feedback has been extremely positive and stands as testimony to the students' work ethic, considering their busy college and home lives. The students have also strongly endorsed their involvement in the programme.


In recognition for this work, they were awarded Certificates of Achievement. Also, if they wish, they can write a short reflective piece on this experience and gain credit toward their Social Entrepreneurial Learning Certificate, which is a cross-discipline in the college.

Further details or queries about this programme should be directed to Geraldine Magennis.

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