Press Release Decision on ITE Intakes

22 May 2012

The Principal of St Mary's University College in west Belfast commended the decision of Minister John O'Dowd MLA to approve the intakes to initial teacher courses at the College for this September at the same level as in 2011/12.

Professor Peter Finn stated that he believed the decision by the Minister had to be seen in the context of the College’s institutional plan for sustainability, Strategy 21, its particular profile of ITE provision and John O’Dowd’s respect for diversity and pluralism in society. The profile of ITE at St Mary’s is based on the institution’s specialist and distinctive characteristics. These include an emphasis on the concurrent approach to teacher education, a BEd Primary degree with a subject focus, strong attention to STEM, internationalisation and employability, as well as a holistic approach to Irish Medium Education. He said:

“St Mary’s University College has a coherent and well thought out strategy for ensuring its long-term future as a highly successful autonomous institution of higher education located on the Falls Road in west Belfast. The success of St Mary’s is apparent in excellent academic standards, extremely high application rates for its courses, student satisfaction rates amongst the highest in these islands and a commitment to opening up higher education to students from less well-off families. The College is also a centre of excellence for Irish Medium Education. This involves both teacher education and the production of learning materials for schools.”

He added: “We enjoy very high levels of mutually beneficial engagement with groups and organisations in this part of the city arising from our institutional mission to be a resource for the local community. We are also highly appreciative of the support we receive from local political representatives. The College is fully committed to the on-going development of its campus and services to enhance educational, cultural and sporting opportunities for both students and local residents. I am sure that Minister O’Dowd recognises that.

The distinctive higher education offered at St Mary’s is a vital component of the social capital of west Belfast, enabling social change through the education of leaders in the teaching profession as well as in a wide range of other sectors of the labour market.”

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