‘Scríobh Leabhar’ - Write a Book

19 June 2012

Comórtas Scríobh Leabhar/An tÁisaonad, Coláiste Mhuire, Béal Feirste.

Bhí tuilleadh agus 150 páiste i láthair ag an chomórtas 'Scríobh Leabhar' a reáchtáil An tÁisaonad i gColáiste Mhuire i gcomhar le Foras na Gaeilge. Is é is aidhm leis an chomórtas spreagadh a thabhairt do pháistí i nGaelscoileanna tosú a scríobh. Agus ba mhór amach an líon iontrálacha i mbliana, le 1,350 acu ó gach cearn den tuaisceart.

Write a Book

"Is díol suntais é go bhfuil an comórtas seo ag dul i dtreise, bliain i ndiaidh bliana," arsa Jacaí de Brún a d’eagraigh an comórtas. "Is é is aidhm againn páistí a bhfuil dúil acu sa scríbhneoireacht a spreagadh le peann a chur le páipéar. D’éirigh thar barr leis na páistí leis an líon leabhar a rinne siad agus leis an ardchaighdeán a bhí ann."

Write a Book

Bhí taispeántas agus seó idirghníomhach mar chuid den imeacht leis an mhaisitheoir, Andrew Whitson, agus an t-aisteoir Máire Andrews. Tá aithne ar Andrew mar gheall ar na leabhair ghleoite a mhaisigh sé, Balor, mar shampla, agus an leabhar is déanaí Ó Chrann go Crann. Is aisteoir í Máire a bhíonn ag plé le seónna do pháistí chomh maith. Is é Foras na Gaeilge urraitheoir an imeachta agus bíonn an comórtas ar siúl in áíteanna éagsúla ar fud na tíre.

Teagmháil: Ciarán Ó Pronntaigh Tel: 07786508056.

Over 150 children took part in the recent 'Scríobh Leabhar' (Write a Book) event which was held by An tÁisaonad in St Mary’s University College. The aim of the competition is to encourage young readers in Irish medium schools to become writers. And the response this year was phenomenal, with 1,350 entries from all over the north.

"It is great to see that this competition is building on its success, year on year," said Jacaí de Brún, who organised the competition. "Our aim is to inspire budding writers to put pen to paper and show us what they can do. The children have excelled themselves again in both the high standard of their work and the amount of books which they have made."

Part of the day included an exhibition by the Belfast illustrator, Andrew Whitson and Máire Andrews. Andrew is best known for a series of successful books including Balor and the recently released Ó Chrann go Crann and Máire engaged the children in a very enjoyable interactive session.

The competition is sponsored by Foras na Gaeilge which organises the similar events throughout the rest of the country.

For further information contact Ciarán Ó Pronntaigh Tel: 07786508056.

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