Prestige Access Award

11 December 2012

St Mary's University College has received a Prestige Access Award from the William Keown Trust 1.  The award recognises those involved in making the built and open environment accessible to all.

The College Estates Manager, Mr Gary Murphy, received the award at a special event held in Omagh on 6 December 2012.  It was presented by Mr Trevor Taylor, FRCS, the Trust’s Deputy President.  Mr Alan Jones, President of the Royal Society of Ulster Architects, was the keynote speaker at the Presentation Event. 

1 Over the last thirty-three years the William Keown Trust has become a point of reference and a commentator on matters relating to disability in Northern Ireland. To underline the Trust’s commitment to working for the removal of physical barriers which may limit people with disabilities from participating fully in the life of their community, the unique William Trust Access Awards were introduced. These awards which are held annually provide public recognition for all who have worked to make their buildings accessible for the whole community.

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