Professional Development in PE

15 May 2013

St Mary’s is pleased to offer a new Masters in Education specialism entitled, MEd Developing Physical Education, School Sport and Coaching Science.

This option offers participants the opportunity to develop specialist, in-depth knowledge within the field of physical education, school sport and coaching science. The course is suitable for both Primary and Post-Primary teachers, for those who are subject specialists and those simply wishing to develop some expertise in this area. Theory is grounded with a strong emphasis on practical application. Teaching methods include lectures, workshops, tutorials and a large element of practical work. The expertise of the staff includes Physical Education, Sports Coaching and Teaching, Match Analysis, Biomechanics, Sports Nutrition, Exercise Physiology and Sport Psychology.

Aims of the programme are:

  • To develop professional competence, advanced knowledge and critical understanding of physical education, school sport and coaching science.
  • To explore pedagogical perspectives and current research in physical education, school sport and coaching science.
  • To examine the factors that contribute to high quality teaching and learning in this field.
  • To support participants in becoming more effective, reflective PE teachers and coaches.

The modules covered in this Masters option are:

EDC7069 Pupil Learning through Physical Education and School Sport

EDC7070 Developing Coaching Science and Physical Education in Schools.

Further details are available in the programme flyer.

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