Recent Research Publications

9 October 2013

Recent success has been noted in the publication of research output by St Mary's staff:

• Coll, N. (2013) “Irish Identity and the Future of Catholicism”, in Oliver P. Rafferty (Ed.) Irish Catholic Identities, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp 362-76. Further details are available at this web link.

• Coll, N. (2013) “The Great Sending Out”, The Furrow, 64, pp 486-490. Further details are available at this web link.

• Coll, N. (2013) Book review of Brendan Geary and Joanne Marie Greer (Eds.), The Dark Night of the Catholic Church: Examining the Child Sexual Abuse Scandal (Buxhall: Kevin Mayhew, 2011). In ET - Studies (Journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology), 9, pp 167-169. Further details are available at this web link.

• Collins, P. (2013) “Barriers to Worker Unity”. Research article in The Irish Times (11 September 2013). Further details are available at this web link.

• Collins, P. (2013) “The Dublin Lockout – The View from the North”. Conference presentation at Hidden Histories: Revisiting The Spirit of 1913 held in the Little Museum of Dublin (3 October 2013). Further details are available at this web link.

• Hanratty, B. (2013) “A critical evaluation of the Literature of the Troubles Project: philosophy, methodology, findings/outcomes”, Research Papers in Education, 28, 5, pp 519-538. Further details are available at this web link.

• Mac Corraidh, S. (2013) “Sealbhú agus Foghlaim na Gaeilge san Oideachas Lán-Ghaeilge” in de Brún, F. agus Mac Mathúna, S. (eag.) An Ghaeilge i gCóras Scolaíochta na hEireann: Éígse Loch Lao Iml. 2, Berlin: Curach Bhán Publications, lth 51-62.

• Mhic Aoidh, E. (2013) “Meafar Eile Foghlama don Ghaeilge sna Gaelscoileanna” in de Brún, F. agus Mac Mathúna, S. (eag.) An Ghaeilge i gCóras Scolaíochta na hEireann: Eigse Loch Lao Iml. 2, Berlin: Curach Bhán Publications lth 63-72.

• Vaupel, A. (2013) “The Literature of Exile: Lion Feuchtwanger’s Work in the Study of German-Language Literature”, in BECTHИK, 22, pp 118-38.

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