Alumni Visit the Crumlin Road Gaol

5 December 2013

Members of the St Mary’s University College Alumni Association attended a guided tour of The Crumlin Road Gaol on Sunday, 1 December.

The Crumlin Road Gaol dates back to 1845 and closed its doors as a working prison in 1996. After extensive renovations the gaol has reopened as a visitor attraction and conference centre. Today you can take a guided tour of the prison and hear a history of the site from the time when women and children were held within its walls through to the time when there was political segregation of republican and loyalist prisoners.

During the tour of the gaol, our enthusiastic and very knowledgeable tour guide, Harry, brought to life facts of the many harrowing past events that occurred within the walls of these sombre but now beautifully restored buildings. Our visit took us to the underground tunnel that used to connect the gaol to the Crumlin Road Courthouse and to the Governor's Office. We also viewed all the wings from the circle, and, of course, we visited the condemned man’s cell before seeing the execution cell where the majority of seventeen condemned men were hanged.

After the tour many of the group lingered at the on-site café for a little rest time and chat. The picture shows Senior Lecturer in Irish—and alumni member—Padaí de Bléine, the one we left behind!!

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