Seminar on ‘Flipping the Classroom’

5 February 2014

Jason Bretzmann, editor of the book Flipping the Classroom 2.0, came to St Mary’s today via video link to discuss recent developments in blended learning, online learning and ‘flipping’—the practice of encouraging students to pursue learning independently through the use of the latest digital and online technology. St Mary’s staff drew on Jason’s years of experience with these practices and, in turn, shared current innovations in St Mary’s with him. Joining in the conversation were staff from Lurgan College, who also attended the session (see photo). Topics addressed included strategies for improving students’ initiative, independence and ownership in relation to their own learning. Assessment issues—in light of the different educational and cultural contexts at play here and in America—also were reviewed with the aim of understanding the role technology can play in the future of education.

L-R: Matthew Martin, Seminar Organiser; Alistair Hamill, Head of Geography at Lurgan College; Robert Uprichard, Politics Teacher at Lurgan College; Gerry Trainor, Head of Staff Development at St Mary’s University College; On-Screen: Jason Bretzmann speaking from Wisconsin. (Robert Uprichard presented his own seminar at St Mary’s last week on ‘The Paperless Classroom’, which reviewed strategies for using iPads in the teaching of A-Level politics.)

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