Camogie Victory

17 February 2014

A tough performance from the College's Camogie team at the Dub on Saturday, 15 February helped the team win the Fr Meachair Shield.

The girls defeated Athlone Institute of Technology 0.8 to 1.3.

Back row from left to right: Danielle Scally, Aine O'Kane, Eimear Dynes, Caoimhe Glass, Aine Byrne, Maeve Quinn, Eimear O'Kane, Catherine Rocks, Cristin O'Kane, Eilish Cassidy, Megan Kerr, James Balmer, Donal Mc Kinley, Eamonn McCaughan, Ronan McCloskey

Front row from left to right: Nuala Convery, Dervla O'Neil, Maeve Connolly, Maria Lynn, Maggie Hagan, Sarah Connolly, Claire Kearney, Noeleen Cosgrove

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