Staff Day of Reflection

7 April 2014

After several busy weeks of supervising and mentoring students on school experience and work placement, the staff of St Mary's University College had a welcome day of reflection on the key values that underpin our commitment to excellence and our mission of service to our students. We gathered on Friday, 4th April, at Drumalis Retreat Centre in Larne and were facilitated by John Lonergan.

Lonergan, a former governor of Mountjoy Prison in Dublin, entered the prison service in 1968, and in the years that followed, as he saw human nature at its worst—and often, unexpectedly, at its best—he developed a deep understanding both of human nature and of Irish society. He is very much in demand as a thoughtful and courageous public speaker today.

We listened to his experience of compassion and outreach to those on the edge of our society and drew lessons for our own mission to encourage students to embrace a culture of compassion and a commitment to serve those most in need.

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