Arkwright Scholar

4 July 2014

In August 2013 the Arkwright Scholarships Trust asked Kieran McGeown to act as their Liaison Officer for Northern Ireland. They did this because of the high reputation that St Mary’s University College had already established in the area of STEM education via its partnerships with local schools. The management of St Mary's agreed to this request and, as a result, the presence of the Arkwright Scholarships Trust within Northern Ireland was firmly established.

The purpose of the Arkwright Scholarships Trust is to identify, inspire and nurture future leaders in engineering and related areas of design. They do this by awarding Arkwright Engineering Scholarships, through a rigorous selection process, to high-calibre students in year 11 (England and Wales), S4 (Scotland), year 12 (Northern Ireland). The Engineering Scholarships support students through their A Levels or Scottish Highers and encourage students to pursue engineering or related areas of design at university or through a higher-level apprenticeship and to take up careers in this field.

One of the first pupils to benefit directly from St Mary’s University’s partnership with the Arkwright Scholarships Trust was Colum McNally, a year 12 pupil of St Colman’s College Newry. Colum’s ambition is to study engineering at university; the awarding of an Arkwright scholarship has served to strengthen his resolve to bring his ambition to fruition. Colum, now an A-Level pupil, was recently interviewed by Newry TV.

St Mary’s University College hosts the annual Arkwright Scholarships Trust celebration during which the achievements of those pupils who have been awarded the prestigious scholarships are recognised.

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