November Pledge

11 November 2014

The Pioneer Association in St Mary’s is one that embraces every opportunity that arises to promote its cause. As November is the month dedicated to the Holy Souls, there was no better way to celebrate it than to provide our students with the opportunity to take a temporary pledge, as a prayerful act in honour of a deceased loved one. For some of our students, the satisfaction of completing a challenging duty in memory of their loved ones is considered to be an honourable task.

Many other students attended the weekly mass on Thursday, 6 November in support of those students who took the pledge and showed their gratitude by giving them a loud round of applause as a “good luck” gesture.

Some members of the Michaela Foundation Society were also present, and they took the pledge in honour of former student, Michaela McAreavey. We wish our students the very best of luck this month, and we sincerely hope that others are inspired by their admirable commitment.

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