Road of Hope Shoe Box Appeal

30 November 2014

Road of Hope is a Northern Ireland based charity set up many years ago. It was initially established to bring relief to those in danger and despair during the war in Bosnia and Croatia. Since then, Road of Hope has extended the vision and is now regularly helping and supporting other charities and organisations, working in Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia and some African countries. The wars may be over in some places, but the pain and scars of war do not heal quickly. When families have been torn apart and have suffered the loss of loved ones and have been displaced from their homes, their neighbours and communities, an act of kindness can begin to help heal physical and emotional wounds.

Road of Hope endeavours to bring help, healing and wholeness back to individuals, families and communities. They are supported by the kindness and goodwill of family, friends and many others who are like-minded. Road of Hope operates on a purely voluntary basis, and all the donations, gifts and collections given to the Charity are used for the benefit of those in need.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and students of St Mary’s University College who provided boxes and items of clothing for those children and families that need them most.

Ways you can help

• Deposit all your unwanted clothes, linen, curtains and shoes in our collection banks located in local
  villages throughout Northern Ireland.
• Deposit your change in our collection boxes located in shops across Northern Ireland.
• Donate your old mobile phones, plus ink jet cartridges: we can turn these into money.
• Businesses can help by donating end-of-line items such as clothing, furniture, carpets, and paint.
• Knit blankets, jumpers, hats, scarves are appreciated.

For more information please visit the Road of Hope website.

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