Donard Hike - Alumni Event

8 December 2014

Donard Hike: A Sunday in November

We met at Donard Park under the imposing shadow of the highest mountain in Ulster and set off in pursuit of Padaí Blaney, who was the trailblazer for the hike. Weather conditions were perfect: a little chilly at the start, but we soon generated our own heat. The walkers were a heterogeneous bunch (motley crew?) and variously attired. Some had top of the range hiking poles and wet weather gear; a few chancers had high-visibility cycling jackets, well-worn gutties and sticks scavenged from the undergrowth and were a cause of considerable embarrassment to their company. It was lovely to see Fil again. She reminded us that teachers are really “frustrated librarians”, and looking very fresh-faced, she seemed to have shed several years since her retirement. The mountain paths were surprisingly busy, and there were walkers from all arts and parts: Italians, Dutch, Germans and many from southern counties. Visibility was changeable, but when the mist cleared, we had a marvellous panorama of Newcastle and the Irish Sea. The Gaelic proverb declares that hunger is the best sauce — Is maith an t-annlann an t-ocras —and this was verified at the summit, where upwards of twenty people, with their backs to the Mourne Wall, dined on a plethora of picnics. Doorstep sandwiches, Camembert, flasks of steaming coffee and chocolate galore. The scene resembled the miracle of the loaves and fishes, with certain individuals who were either too lazy or too miserable to bring a backpack scrounging from friends and strangers alike. (Caitríona Blaney makes great picnics.) Suitably replenished, we began the descent and sustained a brisk pace until we arrived safely back at Donard Park. Everyone felt that they had really spent their time well for the past five hours and unanimously agreed that they must do another hike again soon: another successful event for St Mary’s University College Alumni Association.

If you are a graduate from St Mary’s or St Joseph’s (The Ranch),
please take the time to register as a member and join us on future outings.

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