Aware Support Group

10 August 2015

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The AWARE Support Group in West Belfast has moved premises to St Mary’s University College, 119 Falls Road BT12 6FE. The group meets fortnightly on Thursday evenings from 6.30 – 8.00 p.m.


If you have suffered from at least two of the following core symptoms for at least two weeks:

• An unusually sad mood that does not go away;
• Loss of enjoyment and interest in activities that used to be enjoyable;
• Tiredness and lack of energy;

And in addition if you are experiencing any of these other symptoms

• Loss of confidence or poor self-esteem;
• Feeling guilty when you are not really at fault;
• Wishing you were dead;
• Finding it difficult to make decisions;
• Moving more slowly or becoming agitated;
• Having difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much;
• Losing interest in food or eating more than usual;

then you may find the Aware Support Group to be helpful for you and your friends or family members. For more information please contact

Cherry Cantrell at AWARE – 02890 357820 or speak to Eilis McAteer - 02890 268306

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