Literacy Association of Ireland

9 October 2015

St Mary’s lecturers Catherine Gilliland and Teresa Cash participated recently in the Literacy Association of Ireland’s 39th Annual Conference held at Marino Institute of Education in Dublin.

The theme of this year's conference was “Living Literacy: From Tots to Teens”, and the keynote speakers were Catherine Gilliland from St Mary’s and Kathy Hall from University College Cork.

The conference, which ran from Thursday the 24th to Saturday the 26th September, featured a variety of sessions in which the St Mary’s lecturers were involved. Catherine did a presentation at the TeachMeet on Thursday and the following day delivered the keynote speech entitled “Making Literacy Addictive”. On Saturday a dynamic parallel session was led by both Teresa and Catherine.

Niamh Fortune, Executive Committee member of the Literacy Association of Ireland, commended the valuable input from the St Mary’s colleagues and, referring to the keynote speech said:

“Catherine has a wonderful talent of appealing to teachers, researchers, teacher educators and students. Her passion and enthusiasm are truly addictive, and she was a highlight of the conference. Her keynote was thought-provoking, practical, accessible and current, with just the right amount of laughter!”

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