Women's Human Rights

8 February 2016


St Mary’s University College Belfast
Friday, 12th February 2016

This workshop provides teachers and student teachers with an opportunity to discuss the importance of women’s human rights. Participants will learn about international and local experiences of conflict and women’s human rights and engage in cross-community dialogue on the role of women’s human rights and community relations in Northern Ireland’s post-conflict society.

The workshop aims to

• Promote learning and debate about the importance of women’s human rights
• Facilitate dialogue on the role of human rights education in Northern Ireland
• Develop networks of communication and co-operation in the field of human rights education.

The workshop is primarily aimed at teachers and student teachers working in the areas of Citizenship, Government and Politics, History and Religious Studies, but it will also be of interest to teachers from other subject areas.

10:00 am –10:30 am             Registration and welcome
10:30 am –12:30 pm            “Realising Women’s Rights”
                                           Kellie Turtle (Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm              Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm                “Gendering Human Rights”
                                           Dr Birgit Schippers (St Mary’s University College Belfast)

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Registration is free, but places are limited. To register for the workshop please contact Dr Birgit Schippers.

Kellie Turtle is the Education Worker at the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and a founding member of Belfast Feminist Network. Kellie has written for Women’s News, the feminist blog The F-Word and edits her own blog on local feminist issues.

Dr Birgit Schippers is Senior Lecturer in Politics at St Mary’s University College Belfast. She teaches and writes on human rights, global ethics and the politics of gender and feminism.

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