Terry Enright Activisit Weekend

10 May 2016

The “Awkward Voices” weekend aims to provide an inclusive and democratic space for activists across a wide range of struggles to explore and debate the most challenging issues facing us at present.

The seminar, which will take place at St Mary’s University College on Saturday, 21 May 2016, from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm, will include workshops on issues such as community development, environmental campaigning, trade unionism, youth work, human rights, equality and the Irish language revival. There will be a keynote lecture and reflections by veteran human rights campaigner and socialist activist, Bernadette McAliskey.

NVTV’s new documentary on the story of the Terry Enright Foundation, “Two People, One Story”, will be premiered followed by a social event with music at 7:00 pm in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich.

There will be also be a Black Mountain and Divis Mountain walk on the Sunday at 12:00 pm (details to follow).

The “Awkward Voices” weekend will be a friendly and enjoyable opportunity for activists to “join the dots”, to start building effective alliances and to strengthen existing activist networks.

You are invited to take part by completing the registration form.

The Awkward Voices activist seminar is part of a series of events being planned by friends and colleagues of Terry Óg Enright and Terry Snr over the next eighteen months as part of the Terry Enright Foundation Legacy Project—“Two People, One Story”, which will bring the work of the foundation to a fitting conclusion. Our aim is commemorate and mark the impact of the values, ideas and work of both Terrys and their continuing relevance to community politics.

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