Meeting with Michael Morpurgo

8 May 2017

Senior Lecturer in Irish Language and Literature Mr Padaí de Bléine had the privilege of meeting the award-winning children's writer Michael Morpurgo at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry on Sunday, 30 April. The author provided an engaging and entertaining overview of his life and work. At the end of the event, Padaí had the opportunity to meet Michael and to discuss the translations he had done of some of Michael’s books. Padaí also invited Michael to St Mary’s University College at some future date, and Michael said he would love to come. Catherine Gilliland from the Literacy Department also attended the event.

Bhí sé de phribhléid agam bualadh le Michael Morpurgo in Ionad Seamus Heaney Dé Domhnaigh 30 Aibreán. Bhí sé ann le labhairt ar a shaol agus a shaothar agus ócáid iontach a bhí ann. Ag deireadh an imeachta bhí deis agam bualadh le Michael féin agus le labhairt leis maidir leis na haistriúcháin a rinne mé ar chuid dá chuid leabhar. Chuir mé cuireadh air teacht chuig an Choláiste amach anseo. Dúirt sé gur bhreá leis teacht cé go bhfuil sé an-ghnóthach faoi láthair. Bígí ag faire amach! Bhí Catherine Gilliland as Roinn na Litearthachta ann fosta agus mo bhuíochas léi as an ghrianghraf a ghlacadh.

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