Irish Medium Conference

15 May 2017

Researchers from all over Ireland gathered recently in St Mary’s University College for a conference organised by the College’s Research Centre for Irish-medium Education. The theme of the conference was “Leading Learning in Irish-medium Schools”.

The programme commenced with the presentation of research findings by lecturers from seven universities in Ireland. The range of current research disseminated was inspiring, and a selection of papers will be published in the seventh edition of the academic journal, Taighde & Teagasc.

Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin was the guest speaker, and during his address, he challenged the audience to consider the role of Irish-medium education: the promotion of the Irish language, the extension of access to the richness of the language, and the centrality of the relationship with the language community.

Guest Speaker, Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin

During a light lunch, pupils from St Francis’ Primary School in Lurgan enraptured the audience with their performance of a play they had written based on the novel Matilda. Music students from St Mary’s added to the atmosphere of culture and entertainment with their performance of traditional airs.

Pupils of St Francis' Primary School

At the close of the research workshops and during the final part of the day’s programme, the first ever TeachMeet for the Irish-medium sector was organised. Fifteen teachers shared examples of innovative practice in their classrooms with an audience of peers from Irish-medium schools, as well as St Mary’s BEd and PGCE students. During the TeachMeet, the atmosphere was lively and stimulating, and professional presentations were interspersed with group singing, lively debate and the awarding of prizes.

In his address, College principal Professor Peter Finn praised the research base that underpins Teacher Professional Learning—introduced at St Mary’s in 1995 to serve the Irish-medium sector—and he stressed the importance of the College’s partnership with Irish-medium schools.

The conference was brought to an end with a final word of thanks to sponsors, including Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, Foras na Gaeilge and An Chomhairle um Oideachais Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta. The chairperson of the Research Centre for Irish-medium Education, Denise McKee, received a presentation in acknowledgement of her leading role in organising the conference. Later, delegates enjoyed a conference dinner in Culturlann Mac Adaim Ó Fiaich.

Comhdháil ar an Ghaeloideachas

D’fhreastail pobal léinn na hÉireann ar chomhdháil taighde dar teideal,  Ag Treorú na Foghlama sa Ghaeloideachas, i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, 3 Bealtaine, 2017.  Is é an tIonad Taighde Lán-Ghaeilge sa Choláiste a reáchtáil an ócáid stairiúil seo agus d’éirigh go geal léi.

Thug taighdeoirí ó sheacht n-ollscoil in Éirinn agus  ó réimse scoileanna agus eagras  páipéir léannta, ag cur torthaí a gcuid taighde i láthair an lucht oideachais. Spreagadh misneach agus dóchas sa phobal éisteachta i ndiaidh dóibh léargas a fháil ar an taighde reatha atá ag soláthar fianaise d’fhorbairt na Gaelscolaíochta. Foilseofar na paipéir san iris, Taighde & Teagasc amach anseo. Ag deireadh na maidine, cuireadh an t-aoichainteoir, an Dr Pádraig Ó Mianáin, in aithne don phobal agus thug sé óráid lénnta a chuir dúshlán roimh an lucht eisteachta, ag cíoradh ceisteanna casta agus ag tarraingt aird an phobail ar ais chuig an chúis a spreag tiomantas don Ghaelscolaíocht sna laethanta tosaigh.

Ag am  lóin, chuir daltaí óga Bhunscoil Naomh Proinsias  dráma a scríobh a múinteoir ranga i láthair, bunaithe ar an úrscéal ,Matilda, agus fágadh an pobal iomlán faoi dhraíocht. Fuair siad ardmholadh ón phobal. Chuir mic léinn ceoil de chuid an Choláiste go mór leis an atmaisféar bríomhar cultúrtha.

Nuair a chríochnaigh na ceardlanna taighde, cuireadh tús leis an chéad ‘OideÓcáid’ trí Ghaeilge in Éirinn. Le linn na hócáide, rinne cúig dhuine dhéag de mhúinteoirí Gaelscoile cur i láthair, ag tabhairt spléachadh gasta ar shampla den teagasc  eiseamláireach ina ranganna féin. Coinníodh an t-atmaisféar ceiliúrtha éadrom spraíúil le babhtaí amhránaíochta, le crannchur agus duaiseanna.

Dúirt an tOllamh Peadar Mag Fhionn go raibh taifead ceannródaíochta sa Choláiste maidir le soláthar an oideachais tosaigh do mhúinteoirí Gaelscoile agus  go leanfaí den traidisiún, ag forbairt an Ghaeloideachais, agus taighde nua mar thaca faoi.

Cuireadh críoch leis an  chomhdháil le béile sa Chultúrlann. Tugadh buíochas do na hurraitheoirí - Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, Foras na Gaeilge agus An Chomhairle um Oideachais Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta agus mar fhocal scoir, tugadh buíochas do Chathaoirleach an Ionaid Thaighde, Denise Mhic Aoidh.

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