
19 June 2017

Four St Mary’s Liberal Arts students have just returned from China having successfully inaugurated the new study exchange partnership set up between St Mary’s University College and Prospect Colleges in Chongqing and Taigu. Aimee McVeigh, Emer Loane, Eilish McCarron and Michael O’Connell, all second-year Liberal Arts students, spent three weeks studying historical and contemporary perspectives on Chinese culture.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience. While away, Michael O’Connell wrote to say,

“I am absolutely loving this trip. The Chinese students are very caring and helpful, and we have learned a lot about Chinese traditions and culture. I even had the opportunity to play for the Chinese university’s soccer team!”

St Mary’s students were joined on the trip by students from a third partner in the project, Northern Illinois University, USA.

Michael O'Connell, 2nd Year Liberal Arts PE Student,
with Professor Gwen Bennet, Dean of Prospect College

Eilish McCarron during martial arts training

St Mary’s Principal, Peter Finn, commented, “Our College has been a pioneer in Liberal Arts education in these islands, and now our influence is being felt as far away as China. The Prospect Colleges in Chongqing and Taigu have been engaged in absolutely the same sort of pioneering work — launching innovative and dynamic courses of study in the Liberal Arts — so we instantly felt a bond and knew we should be working together. The four students who have just returned from China are really pioneers in a great new international adventure for St Mary’s.”

Calligraphy class in Taigu

Second Year Liberal Arts students, Aimee McVeigh, Eilish McCarron and Emer Loane
learning to write Chinese characters

Matthew Martin, Senior Lecturer in St Mary’s, visited Prospect Colleges last year when setting up the student exchange.

He said, “Prospect College is a very exciting place to study. They have developed groundbreaking courses combining cultural and historical studies alongside programmes for business and economic skills development. Both of our institutions have a great deal to learn from each other as we go forward with student exchanges and professional development plans for staff.”

Professor Gwen Bennet, Dean of the Prospect Colleges, said of the visiting St Mary’s students, “They were wonderful to have studying with us, and we are looking forward to a long and rewarding relationship with St Mary’s.”

The Final Certificate Ceremony with students frm Northern Illinois University, USA

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