Ladies' Day at the Ranch

31 October 2017

“Ladies’ Day at the Ranch” took place on Tuesday, 24 October. The Students’ Union Women’s Officers (Alice McCormick and Karen McWilliams) organised and hosted the day. They also selected this year’s charity, which was Target Ovarian Cancer.

Ladies’ Day proved a hit with both female and male students with lots of activities and events available such as a glitter booth, a dress-up photo booth, a bake sale and a guess the weight of the cake competition.

The inspirational guest speaker, Annette Kelly, a former student of St Mary’s, was a big success. She is now famous for her Little Penny’s Book of Thoughts and is a life blogger on social media. She spoke to a packed room about her struggles in life and how she overcame them. With her humour and honesty, the students found her very easy to relate to and took away valuable insights.

It was a fun-filled and “girly” day that raised £300 for a great cause, Target Ovarian Cancer.

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