Mature Students Information Evening

16 November 2017

As part of its Widening Access Strategy, St Mary’s University College held an information evening for mature students on 14 November from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Mature students and careers advisors from a number of regional colleges came to find out more about undergraduate courses, entry requirements and, indeed, all aspects of life at St Mary’s. Current mature students hosted the evening beginning with refreshments and a chance to chat in the College staffroom.

“Excellent hospitality — made to feel very welcome.”

“I was made to feel very welcome and relaxed.”

The second half of the evening included a PowerPoint presentation about the College and the undergraduate degree programmes on offer. This presentation explained the teacher education programmes—the BEd Honours Primary and Post-Primary degrees—and the BA Honours Liberal Arts degree programme. Trevor Abbott, the College’s Academic Registrar, spoke about entry requirements, application procedures, interviews and finance.

“Great information – all areas were covered.”

Three current mature students, (Claire McErlean, BEd Primary; Aisling Johnston BEd Primary; and Neal McGrath, BA Liberal Arts) shared their stories regarding their pathways into higher education, the challenges they faced and the help and support they received. They also reflected on their experience of College life as mature students and the joys of achieving their dream.

“It was so good to hear about hands-on experience."

“I have just had a baby, and it was so good to hear from someone in a similar situation who has been able to complete the majority of the course with only one year to go.”

This was followed by an open question-and-answer session where visiting students and careers advisors could engage openly with staff and students and have all their questions answered fully. The evening concluded with a tour of the campus facilities. The tour included a visit to the library, the Writing Centre, the Careers Guidance Centre, the Open Access Suite and other ICT facilities, the college chapel, the Performance Enhancement Centre/Sports Hall and, of course, the students’ union and the Student Centre.

For more information, please contact: Trevor Abbott (Academic Registry) or Susan Morgan (Widening Access & Participation).

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