Student Teacher Research

4 May 2018

Student teachers attended a conference in St Mary’s University College on Wednesday, 2 May, which addressed the theme of New Approaches to Professional Learning in Initial Teacher Education.

The conference was opened by the college principal, Professor Peter Finn, who spoke about the educational benefits of the Capstone module for final-year students.

Mr Paddy McAllister then spoke about his role in the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) and presented awards on behalf of the organisation to the following students:

Clare Diamond: Project Title: “Enhancing the teaching of Algebra in Key Stage Three Through the Design of an Interactive E-book”.

Catherine Rocks: Project Title: “An Investigation into the Challenges and Barriers to Roma Education in Northern Ireland and How to Address These”.

Saorlaith Ní Chearnaigh: Project Title: Cothu i nGaelscoileanna: cas staidear.

Student award winners with Paddy McAllister, Peter Finn and College staff members Eibhlín MhicAoidh,
Martin Hagan, Gerry Trainor and Geraldine Parks

Professor Peter Finn (College Principal), Mr Paddy McAllister (INTO) and Dr Martin Hagan (Head of Education)

Further details are available in the Capstone Conference Programme.

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