Fourth Annual Student TeachMeet

31 January 2019

Nearly 200 student teachers gathered in St Mary’s College Hall on 16 January for presentations about new and best practices in the primary and secondary school classroom — plus general tips for succeeding while on School Experience.

The TeachMeet model, something which originated over a decade ago in Scotland, has gained in popularity, and these events are now organised regularly in over a dozen countries around the world. Teachers share insights through quick ‘nano-presentations’ — generally lasting no longer than two minutes.

One student teacher feeding back on the St Mary’s event afterwards said, “It was a very positive experience. I was introduced to great new ideas that I can bring not only to my School Experience placement but to future teaching opportunities as well”. Another noted, “There were lots of creative ideas for planning, resourcing and classroom management”.

The Keynote Speaker at this year’s event was Michael Farnell, Assistant Producer at BBC Learning, who came to speak about the new BBC “Super Movers” programme which has been developed in cooperation with Premier League football clubs. Michael explained that “the initiative is a clever, high-energy approach to getting children moving more during their school day while learning at the same time”. Presenting along with Michael was popular CBBC presenter, Karim Zeroual.

Aspiring teachers at the St Mary's Student TeachMeet

Rachel Coyle, St Mary's student teacher, gave an inspiring talk on clever approaches to teaching weight and related concepts in the primary classroom.

Katie Richie (Stranmillis student and TeachMeet presenter) pictured with Dr Matthew Martin (English Lecturer in St Mary's) and Mrs Gillian Beck (Lecturer in SEN and Inclusion in Stranmillis)

Michael Farnell of BBC Learning introduces "Super Movers"

Students up and on their feet, trying "Super Movers"!

CBBC presenter, Karim Zeroual

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