
8 July 2019

Alain Grossbard from RMIT University Melbourne and his wife Judi visited St Mary’s University College recently on their way to the 2019 International Public Relations Association (IPRA) awards in London.

Gerard McCann (Lecturer in International Studies) and Rita Day (Lecturer in Business Studies)
with Alain Grossbard (Professor of Marketing at RMIT)

Alain, who is a Professor of Marketing at RMIT, has been working on a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project with the Business Studies Department at St Mary’s. Rita Day from the department also organized a visit to the Innovation Factory where Alain met with Shane Smith (Community Engagement Officer) and two of the companies based in the Innovation Factory — ProfileTree and Page Setup Design. The Business Studies Department at St Mary’s has been working with the Innovation Factory for the last three years.

Visit to the Innovation Factory

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