Art Classes for Local IME Pupils

4 December 2019

Primary 4 and 5 pupils from a local Irish-medium Education (IME) school, Gaelscoil na bhFál, visited St Mary’s University College recently to take part in Art classes. They were hosted by students from the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Primary IME programme, who delivered exciting Art lessons as part of the “Perspectives on the Primary Curriculum” module.

The PGCE students had created some stimulating learning environments to inspire and engage the children and gave them the opportunity to experience techniques and processes in a wide variety of 2D and 3D mediums. The enjoyment was evident on the faces of the children, who noted how proud they were of the work they had created.

This annual event has become a highlight in the PGCE calendar, giving students the opportunity to put theory into practice with the help of fifty very willing participants, their teachers and support staff.  All involved in St Mary's are very grateful to the staff and pupils at Gaelscoil na bhFál and hope to see them again next year.

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