All-Ireland Finals in Gaelic Games

9 September 2021

Gaelic Games at the Ranch

We are very proud of the many students and graduates of St Mary’s who have excelled at the highest level in gaelic games down the years. This weekend we will be watching out for them again in both camogie and football.

There is a long tradition of gaelic games at St Mary’s (and St Joseph’s which is part of our history). We know that Camogie was being played at the College in the 1930’s, Gaelic football for men started in the late 1940’s, hurling in the 1960’s and ladies’ football in more recent years, starting up in the late 1980’s.

We believe that team sports, in whatever code, can play a very positive role in the formation of university or college students. There is the obvious benefit of health-related physical fitness but also values such as resilience, teamwork and comradeship. Higher education students learn in a great variety of ways and through sport they certainly gain insight and understanding of the importance that should be attached to careful preparation, winning with dignity and taking a loss as an opportunity to improve. It is for those reasons that we at St Mary’s support team sports so much and provide the students with services either through the Games Development and Education Officer, Gavin McGilly, or through the Students Union Clubs. There is no doubt that learning through sport transfers into the world of work.

St Mary’s graduates with the Tyrone Senior Football Team

St Mary’s graduates with the Tyrone Senior Football Team

[Back Row: Joe McMahon, Niall Morgan, Conn Kilpatrick, Darragh McAnenly, Cathal McShane.
Front Row: Niall Sludden, Liam Rafferty, Conor Meyler, Kieran McGeary, Peter Harte].

Our College input of coaching, experience of high level games and individual athletic development builds on the excellent work of local GAA clubs , county development squads and indeed county teams. Each complements the other.

St Mary’s graduate, Antrim Captain - Aislinn McFarland ahead of the All-Ireland Junior B Ladies Football Final in Croke Park

St Mary’s graduate, Antrim Captain - Aislinn McFarland ahead of the
All-Ireland Junior B Ladies Football Final in Croke Park

St Mary’s teams in gaelic games have a reputation for being well drilled and hard to beat. Being one of the smallest third level institutions competing in All-Ireland gaelic games competitions, the students have to maximise whatever playing resources are available to them. That leads to a high level of team spirit and togetherness. By deign there are no scholarship players at St Mary’s – all players are equal.

Playing at third level introduces the students to teams and players from all over the country in a way that club sport often does not. It forges connections with gaelic games in the likes of Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin that otherwise would be difficult to gain. The standard of third level sport is very high, often supported by sports science experts at the institutions and that raises the bar for our student sportsmen and women. We would like to think that the third level experience benefits both our student teams and the other teams that play at club or county level.

This year is special of course with so many of our students or graduates involved in All-Ireland finals in Camogie, Ladies football and Mens’ football.

In the case of the Tyrone senior football squad, there are nine former students involved and also Joe McMahon is an important member of the backroom team. Most of the them are graduates of either Teacher Education with Physical Education or Liberal Arts with Physical Education degree programmes. Niall Sludden is the exception as he took Religious Studies and also has a Master of Education degree from the College. Three of the former students have Sigerson Cup winners’ medals; Conor Meyler, Kieran McGeary and Cathal McShane.

Kieran McGeary in action against Kerry

Kieran McGeary in action against Kerry

Peter Harte

Peter Harte

Conn Kilpatrick

Conn Kilpatrick

We wish our sportsmen and sportswomen in camogie and football all the best of luck at the weekend in their All-Ireland finals and acknowledge the efforts of on students who were involved with the Antrim Ladies Team last weekend.

Sunday 12th September - Camogie

  • Antrim v Kilkenny
  • Armagh v Wexford

Aislinn Mc Mahon
Emma Mone

Maria Lynn
Maeve Connolly
Maeve Kelly
Katie Carey
Roisin Kelly
Nicole O’Neill

Saturday 11th September - Football: Tyrone v Mayo
Niall Morgan
Darragh McAnenly
Conor Meyler
Peter Harte
Kieran McGeary
Cathal McShane
Niall Sludden
Liam Rafferty
Conn Kilpatrick
Joe McMahon

Sunday 5th September - Football: Antrim v Wicklow
Aislinn McFarland ( Captain )
Anna McCann
Ellen Morgan
Niamh Nic Ionnrachtaigh

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