Study in the USA

5 November 2021

Entry is open for a programme that offers students in Northern Ireland scholarships to spend a year studying business or business and STEM in the United States.

Study USA sees students gain valuable international experience and business knowledge, developing their career prospects when they return home.

Since its formation in 1994, the initiative has sent over 2000 students from Northern Ireland to all four corners of the United States where they have successfully completed a year studying business at one of 140 institutions. Successful applicants will receive a scholarship funding package worth approximately £35,000, which includes room and board for the academic year, a book allowance and a return flight to the US.

Laura Mason from Castlewellan, who studied Liberal Arts with Physical Education at St Mary’s, is spending this academic year at Saint Leo University in Florida. Speaking about her time on the programme, she said:

“So far Study USA has been a major adjustment because I have to had embed myself in a new way of life with international students and new ways of learning. I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people during my time so far. One thing I have very much enjoyed is being able to participate in the ‘Flag’ football team and getting to learn a new sport, as sport is a big part of my life. I am also hoping to join the local GAA team next summer.

“One thing I would say to anyone applying is that you need to be willing to step outside your comfort zone. A lot of study is required and there is a lot of course work to complete in your own time, coupled with continuous assignments. American students take their schoolwork very seriously. I would suggest to anyone taking part in next year’s programme to thoroughly research your college, what it has to offer in terms of clubs and facilities; and be aware of where you are going to for fun things to do outside of college life."

“It is very similar to my time at St. Mary's in that it is a very close-knit community and you build interpersonal relationships with your lecturers due to the smaller class sizes. I have been fortunate to meet great people and have already formed a close friendship group.”

Also commenting on Study USA was Jonathan Stewart, Director of British Council Northern Ireland. He said:

“Year on year we find that those who take part in the programme not only enhance their employability skills but also develop intercultural skills, which helps them to prepare to work in a global economy."

“Since 1994, Study USA has enabled students to become great ambassadors for Northern Ireland and helped strengthen cultural, economic and educational links and connections between the two countries. I would encourage those from a range of subjects to apply as you never know where this opportunity may lead.”

John Brolly, International Manager at St Mary’s University College Belfast, added:

“This is a great opportunity for St Mary’s students and we are delighted that we currently have Darren and Aoibheann as well as Laura as part of the Study USA this year. We really see this programme as a great way to develop the skillset of our students.”

Students from St Mary’s University College should apply during their pre-final year for participation in the programme. To find out more and apply, visit the British Council website.

The deadline for applications is Monday, 15 November 2021.

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