Launch of Inter-College Programme for Diversity and Mutual Understanding

19 October 2005

St Mary's and Stranmillis University Colleges' annual Programme for Diversity and Mutual Understanding was launched recently with the conference ‘Understanding and Countering Prejudice' for second year students.

The two Colleges deliver the ‘Inter-College Programme for Diversity and Mutual Understanding (DMU)', as an essential aspect of study for all students studying to become teachers. This programme is designed and organised by the Colleges' Joint Liaison Group (CJLG) which is made up of member of academic staff and students from both Colleges, and incorporates a range of activities and diverse methods of delivery. The CJLG also works alongside the NUS-USI, the student movement in Northern Ireland, in the preparation and delivery of the programmes. Students from both colleges work together dealing with issues related to their personal and professional development throughout their four year degree course; issues such as racism, sectarianism and the development of positive community relationships are explored. This progressive, interactive programme is reviewed and updated annually to reflect curriculum developments and current research in the area.

DMU Launch

Pictured at the launch are (from left to right)

Emily Brough, NUS-USI Coordinator Diversity Programmes Norman Richardson, DMU Coordinator, Stranmillis University College Richard McMinn, Principal, Stranmillis University College Mary Flanagan, DMU Coordinator, St Mary's University College and Peter Finn, Acting Principal, St Mary's University College.

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