Children’s Laureate for Literature

10 May 2022

The Children’s Laureate for Literature, Aine Ní Ghlinn, visited St Mary's recently and gave an inspiring workshop on ways to encourage young readers in Irish.

PGCE students, about to commence their final placement in Irish-medium primary schools, enjoyed discussing Aine’s creative ideas with her.

Ár mbuíochas le hAine Ní Ghlinn, Laureate na nÓg, a thug ceardlann ar litríocht na Gaeilge do mhic léinn lán-Ghaeilge TICO. Rinneadh plé ar straitéisí a spreagann grá don léitheoireacht. Bhain mic léinn sult as an Bhosca Leabharlainne a úsáid le linn Taithí Scoile.

PGCE Coordinator, Gabrielle NigUidhir, with Aine Ní Ghlinn

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