Observations from the Principal

20 December 2022

St Peter's Cathedral Christmas Carols

As we approach the Christmas vacation period, I write to share some reflections on three recent events.

The first was held at St Peter’s Cathedral on 07 December. It was a festival of Christmas Carols which was organised by 17 local primary schools and the West Belfast Partnership Board. Over 600 children attended the event accompanied by parents and friends with supervision from teachers. There was a staff choir and an orchestra, which included our very own Dr Claire Connolly. The singing was magnificent and the atmosphere in the cathedral inspirational. At the core of the festival were St Mary’s graduates in the roles of principals or teachers. Here was an outstanding example of the impact which our collective work has on the community of west Belfast – teacher leaders. I have no doubt that the same impact was felt all over the north in recent days.

The second event was the annual carol service in the College Chapel and the Christmas celebration in the Student Centre. Here we had a real sense of community exhibited by those in attendance. Some members of our staff put in a huge amount of effort of work to ensure that the conjoined event was a success. We had present members of the College staff joined by those from the past and in some cases a long time past but with very happy memories. Dr Frances Burgess put in meticulous preparations with the choir of students as well as some staff colleagues and they were a joy to listen to on the evening. It was very important that their preparations and performance on the night was recognised by those in attendance. Fr Eddie delivered a wonderful sermon about the 4th wise man. The INTO made presentations to two outstanding College students. Despite the very cold conditions we enjoyed a beautiful Carol Service. Eilís, Christopher and Colin Sheehan (SU President), with the great support of Caroline and the catering staff, had planned and delivered a really wonderful Christmas experience for young and old in the Student Centre. We uncovered a star amongst our staff in the form of our very own Father Christmas himself. With traditional musicians (students) rattling out tunes and people gathered around the tables with food and drinks, the craic was great.

On the next morning we had the Winter Graduation ceremony at the Whitla Hall which for the most part is for our MEd graduates. It was a very happy occasion with a strong family orientation. Once again, our staff were at work. The students who walked across the stage in the Hall arrived at that point due to the work of our staff on many fronts. Some contributed to the video that was played to the full audience in the Hall and it was impressive. John and Gerd spent a lot of time in the cold outside the graduation tent to ensure that photographs were taken. Inside the warmth of the tent, I had the great pleasure of meeting very happy graduates. It was a very joyful experience.

When I reflect on the three events collectively, I can make two very important observations:

  • The events only happen because of the hard and successful work of the staff involved.
  • The events are successful when our community participates in them.

Things are very quiet at the campus this week. However, that is a ‘breather’ from the dynamic spirit that we are very fortunate to have at St Mary’s.

Long may that continue.

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