St James Catholic Primary School

12 February 2023

Amy Whitehead

Hi, my name is Amy Whitehead and I graduated from St Mary’s University in 2020 with a First Class Honours Bed Primary (with Mathematics).

During my time at St Mary’s, I was lucky to travel to Austria on the ERASMUS + programme and to Poland with the ‘Education, Diversity and Internalisation’ team. These opportunities allowed me to experience what teaching was like in other countries, giving me the confidence to apply to schools in London in my final year.

I have been a teacher in St James’s Catholic Primary School, Richmond, for three years and am currently the Maths Lead and a Year 4 (Primary 5) teacher. When I moved to London I thought it would just be for the year but, as you can see, I have loved living and working here. The school is an outstanding school and I have gained a wealth of knowledge and skills from working with an experienced team. I have been given the opportunity to develop my practice through becoming Maths Lead whilst working in a supportive learning environment. In addition, there are many familiar accents in the staff room, with a large number of Irish teachers, so I never feel very far from home.

We would welcome students who are interested in gaining experience of working in a London school setting during their studies. Our school is at the heart of a warm and welcoming community and host families would happily accommodate you while you worked and gained experience of life in an exceptional and thriving primary school.

We too look forward to working with you.

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