Gaeilic Neighbours

13 March 2023

Dr Vincent McKee will host a promotional event for his recently published book:

Gaelic Neighbours: Scotland & Northern Ireland 1918-2021;
Comparative Politics of Language and Culture: Worlds Apart!

on Saturday, 25 March from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
at St Mary’s University College, Falls Road, Belfast.

The book is unique in that it examines in depth, for the first time ever, the historic relationship, evolving conditions and contemporary circumstances of two Gaelic nations namely Gaidheal na Alba (Scotland) and Gaeil Uladh/Eireann (Ulster Irish).

The principal speaker at the event will be Dr Donal McAnallen, Gaelic historian and writer based at the Ulster Folk Museum, Cultra.

Mr Maolcholaim Scott, former Irish Language Officer at Newry & Mourne Council and Colmcille Development Officer at Foras na Gaeilge, Belfast, will also address the meeting.

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