Beyond Borders

12 September 2023

The 2023 St Mary's University College (SMUCB) 'Beyond Borders' study trip was to Rome, following successful previous visits to Lisbon, Krakow and Eger in Hungary. Backed by the Department for the Economy and organised by the International Office at St Mary's, the students were in Rome to work with colleagues at the European University of Rome (UER).

The students spent the week discussing and learning about interculturalism, borders, the complex nature of current Italian politics and the role of culture in modern European societies. They also had the opportunity to visit some of the historic sites of Rome and meet with students currently on international placement.

They resided at the historic Irish College where they were able to avail of library and academic resources for their studies. Coordinated by Professor Gerard McCann (SMUCB) with Professor Giovanni Farese (UER), the group were also joined by Bishop Niall Coll who was in the city at the time. Bishop Coll lectured at St Mary's for twenty years and was delighted to welcome staff and students to the city.

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