A Global Warning - An Inconvenient Truth

25 January 2007

Global Day at St Mary's University College - Monday 29 January 2007

The Global Awareness Group has also organised a showing of the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth.

This highly acclaimed film is a persuasive argument that we can no longer afford to neglect the issue of global warming. An expert panel, including Professor Sue Christie from Northern Ireland Environment Link will be on hand to answer questions following the film and help staff and students recognize how they can make a difference both locally and globally.

Light refreshments will be available in the Snack Bar at 5.30pm and the film will start at 6.00pm in Lecture Theatre 1, ending at 8.00pm.

All staff and students are welcome.

Watch the film trailer at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/collective/A14322926

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