News Archive

UNESCO City of Music

6 March 2023
St Mary's students to showcase Belfast, UNESCO City of Music, at St Patrick's celebrations in Nashville....

Inspiring Insights

4 March 2023
St Mary's launches this year's ‘Inspiring Insights’ talk series....

University of Trnava

3 March 2023
St Mary’s hosted students and staff from the Faculty of Education at the University of Trnava, Slovakia,...

Moving for March

1 March 2023
St Mary's launches the Moving for March campaign to support Children in Crossfire....

Baha’i Community

26 February 2023
The Baha'i community holds childrens classes in St Mary's....

St James Catholic Primary School

12 February 2023
St James's Catholic Primary School, Twickenham...

University of Warsaw

10 February 2023
St Mary’s University College recently hosted three academics from the University of Warsaw....

Catholic Schools Week 2023

3 February 2023
St Mary's celebrated Catholic Schools Week recently....

For current news items see Latest News section.