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Trócaire Writing

St Mary’s Hosts Training in Business Writing for the staff of the Trócaire Office in Belfast

Jonathan Worley, a Senior Lecturer in Written Communications at St Mary’s, recently hosted an introductory class in the teaching of business writing skills on Tuesday, 1 September. Participating from Trócaire were Kevin Donnelly, Sharlene Douglas, Róisín O'Hara and Gemma McCourt, shown below with their colleagues in a recent staff photo. Topics covered during the session were proofreading strategies, questionable practices with grammar and punctuation, writing styles and types of business writing. Particular queries arose about when to capitalise, how to form and pronounce the possessives of proper nouns ending in “us” (as in Seamus, Gus and Jesus) and the appropriate usage of who and whom—issues of grammar that often become a source of concern in the daily practice of writing.

"I found the level of enthusiasm for discussions about grammar quite high", Mr Worley commented. "When you are proofreading for publication, accuracy assumes great importance." St Mary’s and Trócaire have benefited mutually from an ongoing relationship that has seen Trócaire make use of the College's facilities while Trócaire has accepted a large number of students as placements on the College's Work Related Learning Programme, part of its Liberal Arts Degree.