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Aisling Bursaries




The sixteenth annual Aisling Bursaries award ceremony was held in St Mary’s University College on Tuesday, 15th September 2015. The guest speaker was the Minister for Education, John O’Dowd MLA.

The Bursaries are sponsored by local businesses, community organisations and families in West Belfast. They support young people who are furthering their education at universities, at colleges and in workplaces. The scheme is coordinated by the West Belfast Partnership Board (WBPB) and is one of many initiatives that this body undertakes to promote economic and educational development locally.

The College Principal, Professor Peter Finn, spoke at the event and is pictured with the Minister as well as WBPB Chairperson, Geraldine McAteer, and Education Authority member, Monica Culbert.

Two St Mary’s students received bursaries. They are Fiona McCullough and Padraic Mulvenna, both undertaking studies in Liberal Arts.



Padraic Mulvenna recieving his bursary from Jacqueline O'Donnell




Fiona McCollough recieving her bursary from Stephen Burke