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Reception with the Lord Mayor. (L-R): Ms Yanling Li, Ms Ruolan Pi, Mr Jiaxing Zhang, Ms Frances Murray (International Officer, Belfast City Council), Dr Matthew Martin (Senior Lecturer, St Mary’s), Mr Guy Spence (Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast), Professor Vivian-Lee Nyitray, Mr Douglas Oliver (Husband of Professor Nyitray) and Mr Chen Shen.

Reception with the Deputy Lord Mayor.

(L-R): Ms Yanling Li, Ms Ruolan Pi, Mr Jiaxing Zhang, Ms Frances Murray (International Officer, Belfast City Council),
Dr Matthew Martin (Senior Lecturer, St Mary’s), Mr Guy Spence (Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast),
Professor Vivian-Lee Nyitray, Mr Douglas Oliver (Husband of Professor Nyitray) and Mr Chen Shen.


Professor Vivian-Lee Nyitray, Dean of The Prospect Colleges in Chongqing and Taigu, last week led a six-member delegation on a visit to St Mary’s University College to observe and to discuss approaches to the delivery of a successful Liberal Arts degree programme. The Prospect Colleges have taken an ambitious and innovative step within China by offering a Liberal Arts degree. This year marks the fourth anniversary of their founding with the students of the first graduating class preparing to enter the world of work in the coming spring.

Two Assistant Deans from the Colleges, Ms Ruolan Pi and Ms Yanling Li, were welcomed at St Mary’s, as were two of their final-year students, Mr Jiaxing Zhang and Mr Chen Shen.

Discussions were held with St Mary’s staff and students on topics such as “Student-Centred Teaching in Higher Education”, “The Work of the Writing Centre in Higher Education”, “Community Service Work Within the Curriculum” and “The Teaching of World Religions”.

In addition, the visitors were able to attend the St Mary’s Student TeachMeet event, investigate the Chinese language programme underway in Rathmore Grammar School, tour the City Hall, where they met the Deputy Lord Mayor, and experience many aspects of the cultural life of the city.

Professor Nyitray concluded their visit by commenting: “St Mary’s, in addition to offering a vibrant, engaging Liberal Arts degree, has the welcoming feel of what in China would be called Dà jiātíng”: a big, extended family. The Prospect Colleges look forward to a fruitful working relationship with St Mary’s in the future.”




Reception with Professor Peter Finn. Front Row (L-R): Ms Yanling Li, Ms Ruolan Pi, Professor Vivian-Lee Nyitray, Professor Peter Finn, (Principal of St Mary’s University College), Dr Matthew Martin (Senior Lecturer, St Mary’s). Back Row: Mr Chen Shen, Mr Douglas Oliver (Husband of Professor Nyitray), Fr Feidhlimidh Magennis (Director of Liberal Arts, St Mary’s), Mr Jiaxing Zhang

Reception with Professor Peter Finn.

Front Row (L-R): Ms Yanling Li, Ms Ruolan Pi, Professor Vivian-Lee Nyitray,
Professor Peter Finn, (Principal of St Mary’s University College), Dr Matthew Martin (Senior Lecturer, St Mary’s).
Back Row: Mr Chen Shen, Mr Douglas Oliver (Husband of Professor Nyitray),
Fr Feidhlimidh Magennis (Director of Liberal Arts, St Mary’s), Mr Jiaxing Zhang


Staff and students of The Prospect Colleges in China attended the First Annual St Mary’s Student TeachMeet and learned about innovations in teaching methods as demonstrated by the students of St Mary’s.


Staff and students of The Prospect Colleges in China attended the First Annual St Mary’s Student
TeachMeet and learned about innovations in teaching methods as demonstrated by the students of St Mary’s