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World Youth Day 2016



World Youth Day 2016


World Youth Day 2016 (WYD 2016) is an international Catholic festival focused on faith and youth which will be celebrated from 25th to 31st July 2016 in Kraków, Poland.

This will be the second World Youth Day hosted by Poland, the first being in 1991, held in Czestochowa.

A number of students from St Mary’s University College will be participating in the festival in Kraków. They are Dymphna Clenaghan, Kirsty Gallagher, Kristina O’Neill, Sarah Quinn and Niamh McGirr.


World Youth Day 2016


The festival will be led by Pope Francis.

The official anthem of the festival is set out below in both the English and Irish languages.

‘Is beannaithe na Trócairigh’

  1. Dírím mo shúile ar na sléibhte;
    Cad as a dtiocfaidh cabhair dom?
    Is ón Tiarna, mo Dhia, a thiocfas cabhair,
    Nó is É atá lán trócaire!

  2. Má táimid ar fán, iarrann Sé muid,
    Le muid a theannadh ina lámha,
    A Fhuil Naofa a leigheasann an chneá,
    Agus a thugann beatha nua dúinn!

    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Déanfar trócaire orthu siúd a dhéanann trócaire (x2)

  3. Ach ab é go maitheann an Tiarna ár bpeacaí,
    Ní bheadh muid in ann seasamh.
    Ach tugann sé maithiúnas dúinn uilig.
    Déanaimis amhlaidh!

    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Déanfar trócaire orthu siúd a dhéanann trócaire (x2)

  4. Is é Dia a cheannaigh muid le fuil a Mhic,
    A d’éirigh go beo ón tuama.
    Fograíonn an Spiorad don domhan:
    Is é Íosa an Tiarna!

    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Déanfar trócaire orthu siúd a dhéanann trócaire (x2)

  5. [CEANGAL]
    Cuir uait an eagla agus bíodh creideamh agat,
    Fág do bhuarthaí ag an Tiarna
    Bíodh muinín agat As, nó d’éirigh Sé,
    An Tiarna, do Dhia, tá sé beo!

    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Is beannaithe na Trócairigh
    Déanfar trócaire orthu siúd a dhéanann trócaire (x2)

"Blessed are the Merciful"

  1. I lift my eyes to the mountains;
    From where shall help come to me?
    My help will come from the Lord, my God,
    For He is merciful!

  2. When we are lost, He searches for us,
    To hold us in his arms,
    His Holy Blood will heal our wounds,
    To breathe new life into us!

    Blest are the merciful
    Blest are the merciful
    For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)

  3. Unless the Lord forgives when we fall,
    We wouldn't be able to stand.
    But he forgives, He pardons us all.
    Let us do the same!

    Blest are the merciful
    Blest are the merciful
    For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)

  4. God paid our debts with the blood of His Son,
    Who rose alive from the tomb.
    The Spirit within cries out to the world:
    Jesus is the Lord!

    Blest are the merciful
    Blest are the merciful
    For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)

    So cast aside your fear and have faith,
    Give your cares to the Lord
    And trust in Him, for he has risen:
    The Lord, your God, is alive!

    Blest are the merciful
    Blest are the merciful
    For it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy (x2)