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Photograph of Mr Padaí de Bléine, Mr Réamonn Ó Ciaráin, Meghan Ní Raifeartaigh and Dr Seán Mac Corraidh


Pictured from left to right: Mr Padaí de Bléine (St Mary's University College), Mr Réamonn Ó Ciaráin (former BEd Irish student of St Mary's and of Gael Linn), Meghan Ní Raifeartaigh (former BA Irish student of St Mary's and of Gael Linn) and Dr Seán Mac Corraidh (St Mary's University College)

D’eagraigh an Dr Seán Mac Corraidh agus Padaí de Bléine ceardlann do mhúinteoirí ar straitéisí leis an Ghaeilge a theagasc go héifeachtach agus go sultmhar ag leibhéal na bunscoile. D’fhreastail breis agus fiche múinteoir ó bhunscoileanna Béarla ar an chúrsa. Comhfhiontar idir Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire agus Gael Linn a bhí ann agus is é Foras na Gaeilge a mhaoinigh an cúrsa. Mhol Réamonn Ó Ciaráin ó Ghael Linn an cur chuige idirghníomhach agus dúirt gur bhain sé féin agus na múinteoirí idir shult agus thairbhe as. Teagsacadh amhráin, rainn agus cluichí sa cheardlann a raibh cur chuige idirghníomhach léi.


Dr Seán Mac Corraidh and Mr Padaí de Bléine organised a workshop on teaching Irish effectively and enjoyably at the primary school level. More than twenty teachers from English-medium schools attended the course. It was a joint enterprise between St Mary’s University College and Gael Linn, which was funded by Foras na Gaeilge.

Réamonn Ó Ciaráin from Gael Linn commended the course and said that all concerned enjoyed and benefitted from it. Songs, verses and games were taught in the workshop using a highly interactive method of teaching.   



Image of tweet about the event


Photograph of Seán Mac Corraidh and Padaí de Bléine with Réamonn Ó Ciaráin

Seán Mac Corraidh and Padaí de Bléine with Réamonn Ó Ciaráin




Photograph of former St Mary’s students who attended the event

Former St Mary's students attended the event