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India 2019



Student teachers and tutors in India with the Saphara India Project


Student teachers and tutors from St Mary’s and Stranmillis University Colleges participated in a wonderful learning experience over the Easter period in association with Saphara India.

The students and tutors visited schools in rural areas of Northern India, attended the Gandhi museum in New Delhi and were guests of the Irish Embassy in India’s capital city.

The joint College project was undertaken under the auspices of Professional Learning in a Changing Society (PLiCS), with finance from the Department for the Economy as well as student fundraising efforts.

The students’ evaluations of the experience were extremely positive.


Taking in the sites while in India


Students visiting the Irish Embassy in India


Students at the SNEHA school in Dehradun


Students from St Mary's and Stranmillis enjoying some free time in India


Breathtaking views overlooking the rooftops